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Mobile websites

I attended a talk yesterday about Apache HTTPd on cell phones. We selected the talk because the abstract seemed fascinating, and the idea of a mobile website was intriguing.

The talk started a little slow, with lots of heavy technical details, but then it got into uses and ideas for future use, and I was really glad we had selected the talk. Utterly fascinating.

The idea that caught my attention was websites that are 1) mobile and 2) on-demand.

Imagine carrying your website with you. Your website knows where you are. Folks can look at your website, and it tells them where you are, and, via bluetooth, your phone locates other websites (phones) that are in the same general vicinity. A website is “linked” to other websites by virtue of geographic proximity. And using a camera phone, you can take photos so that your website is very context-sensitive.

The on-demand idea was even more interesting. Click on this link to request a photo of where I am. The phone-holder gets a message on their phone, and takes a photo, which is then sent as the response to the HTTP request. Viola. Content that didn’t exist before the request was made, and doesn’t exist after the request is terminated. On-demand web content.

It does mean that things like search will have to be rethought a little bit.

This was all presented as a technical project, of great geeky interest. However, I am now *certain*, that in the next couple of years, someone will find a way to make this easy to use, and will find a way to charge for it, and you’ll see thousands of mobile websites (“mobsites”) springing up and becoming a huge percentage of web content.

Strangely, this makes twitter seem slightly interesting too, if it can be brought into this kind of a model. I’m not entirely sure what that means, but I am sure that someone will figure out what that means and do it.

Additional information HERE and HERE

Half way …

As usual, it’s halfway through the conference and I haven’t had any opportunity to write anything.

Unfortunately, I also haven’t had any opportunity to record any FeatherCast interviews. This is disappointing, in that David has done so many great episodes lately, and I haven’t done much of anything in a really long time.

I *hope* to record the lightning talks this evening, but I’m not certain if that will happen or not, since I’ll need my laptop to give my lightning talk. I guess I made that work somehow in Dublin.

The conference so far has been great. Both of the keynotes so far have been interesting and well delivered. In particular, I found Steven Pemberton very entertaining and informative.

This evening are the ever-popular lightning talks, where I hope to be amusing. We’ll see if anybody gets it, or if I’m the only one who thinks it’s funny.

ApacheCon Day 1

Today is the first day of ApacheCon. We had tutorials yesterday, so that was sort of day 0.

I gave a new tutorial yesterday – Apache Cookbook – and I think it was fairly well received. I apparently judged the amount of content just about perfectly, running over a mere 3 minutes.


So, I discovered, once again, that I don’t care much for crowds. I went to get something I saw in a shop window last night, and a few other things for the kids. The crowds are quite impressive, if you go in for that thing. But they are, at least this early in the day, very well behaved. Anyways, my ankle was starting to hurt pretty badly, so I just came back to get off my feet, and ice it for a little while. Perhaps I can get some writing done this afternoon. But, more likely, I’ll go find the hackathon, and not get anything at all done.

Queen’s Day

Last night I went to dinner with a bunch of Apache guys – Robert Donkin, Aaron Farr, Nick Kew, Noel Bergman, and Bill Rowe – but I headed back to the hotel fairly early. Interesting conversations with interesting people, but I was feeling very far away from home, and wasn’t really enjoying the crowds a whole lot.

I just got done reviewing my conference presentations, and I think that they’re all ready. So I’m about to head out and … yeah, experience the crowds a little more. Today is Queen’s Day, which is a pretty big party. THere’s also a couple things that I have determined to find and take home with me, so that’ll be my quest for the next few hours. I saw one of them last night, but I’m not entirely sure where we were, so it might take me a little time to find it again. Meanwhile, hopefully I’ll take more photos.

Amsterdam, day two

Yesterday was somewhat less eventful. I worked almost the whole day, finishing up my presentations.

In the evening, I walked down to a Russian Orthodox Church that I had found online, but upon arriving there, discovered that it had closed some time back.

So I went to Rembrandtplein and had dinner at The Old Bell, and watched the goings-in in the square.

This morning my internal clock failed me, and I didn’t wake up until about 10:45. Not sure quite what I have planned for today.

Football in Rembrandtplein

It always bugs me when I go to places outside of the US, and the US influence is so strong that I can’t see the local flavor. It’s a great pleasure here that there are hardly any McDonalds, and the American stores are, by far, in the minority.

So I was sitting in Rembrandtplein having dinner, and looked across the square to see, concealed behind the trees, a billboard-sized TV screen, showing American Football, inspiring this:

Football in Rembrandtplein
28 April 2007

The screen is
hidden by the trees.
As, of course, it should be.
The view, so far,
unspoiled by
American incursions
except by suggestion.
The branches interlace to conceal
the quarterback
scratching his crotch.

Ploughed Fields

Ploughed Fields (‘The Furrows’)
27 April
In the Vincent Van Gogh museum

No print can ever again convey
close enough to touch,
feel the farmer and his horses
leaning so far out of the canvas
I think they might fall
and out of the corner of my eye
I think I saw a petal fall
from the sunflower.


Day One in Amsterdam was very eventful, and, although I have a huge amount of work to do today, I felt that I owe it to you, loyal readers, to catch you up on the doings.

I arrived here in Amsterdam at just before 6am on Friday. Having not slept much during the 6-hours-shorter night, it took me most of the day to figure out that it was in fact Friday. I think today is Saturday.

My flight was, inexplicably, on time, which threw me off balance a little. After a little confusion, I found a cash machine at the airport and got a train ticket. Three stops later, I was at Central Station, and just a brief walk from the hotel. I decided to walk, rather than get the tram, in the hopes that it would wake me up a little bit. And I could see the hotel from the station as soon as I exited.

When I got to Hotel, my room wasn’t ready. After all, it was before 7am, and check-in time isn’t until 3pm. So I went to the bar to hang out, and quickly started to fall asleep.

The hotel is blanketed in Wi-Fi, and there’s good strong connections available pretty much everywhere I’ve sat down so far, including the restaurants. I hopped on the network, and called my Beloved, waking her up at about 1 in the morning. For those of you who haven’t had this experience, let me take a moment to tell you how delightful it is to wake someone up at 1 in the morning and have them be happy about it. 🙂 I promise I won’t make a habit of it.

When it became obvious that there’s no way I was staying awake any longer, I went back to the desk and badgered the poor overworked receptionist until she found me a room. I came up and immediately fell asleep.

I was woken up at 2pm by a test of the alarm system. I had been warned, by Charel, that this would happen. She happened to wander up while I was checking in. However, I didn’t expect to sleep that long, and so was woken from a very very deep sleep, and didn’t really wake up until I had been outside in the baking heat for about a half-hour, waiting for the alarm to die down.

Now that I was awake, I decided to make the best of it, and I headed off towards the Van Gogh museum. I’m pretty sure I have been there before, but I imagine I was 9 or 10 when it happened, and have almost no recollection of it at all. Van Gogh has long been a favorite. My very favorite of his paintings – at least until yesterday – is Starry Night, which is at MOMA, rather than here. However, after sitting in front of Sunflowers for about a half hour yesterday, I don’t imagine I’ll ever look at a Van Gogh print in the same way again. I’m now persuaded that the phrase “Van Gogh print” is a logical contradiction. Van Gogh’s paintings can only be appreciated, I mean really appreciated, in person. The paint juts from the canvas. It’s not so much a painting as a sculpture in paint. As I said to my Beloved yesterday:

There’s this painting called “Ploughed fields“. Farmer, two horses. Black one on the right, white one on the left. (Their left, not mine.) The white one, when you’re not looking, is facing forward and ploughing. But when you look at him, he turns his head towards you, and his nose pokes waaaay out of the canvas. You can almost catch him moving out of the corner of your eye when you turn away. I’m pretty sure he did.

And the sunflower … well, they were simply unbelievable. I don’t know how to describe it, really. I imagine you can read a dozen descriptions, and they are just not the same as being there. I might just have to overcome my hatred of New York City just long enough to go there and see Starry Night at MOMA.

After leaving Van Gogh, and running into Sander and Laura in the lobby on the way out, I went over to the Rijksmuseum, but I have to admit I’m not much of a fan of that era of painting. A lot of it feels like pre-photograph photography. Some of it was indeed stunning, but most of it was not of a great interest to me. Of course, having said that, I’m also aware that yesterday I saw some of the most famous paintings on the planet, and so I spent a lot of time looking at them, even the ones I didn’t particularly like, because otherwise some day I’d look back and wish I had.

The biggest contrast was that Van Gogh used paint to create texture, as well as being very experimental with color. Most of the paintings at the Rijksmuseum were portraits intended to … well, portray. They were smooth, and for the most part photorealistic, although some of them did interesting things with light.

I had decided to walk rather than take a taxi or tram, partially to save money, and partially so that I could see the streets. I got lost a number of times, and, of course, getting lost in any great European city is at least half of the charm of walking. I simply love the fact that you could live in a city like this and never have to own a vehicle, or, at the most, have a bicycle. Being able to walk or bike to everything you might ever want is, in itself, a reason to live somewhere like this. Not sure I could stand the noise at night for very long, but perhaps I’d get used to it.

On the walk back, I took a slightly different route – that’s another nice thing about not knowing your way around, you discover interesting routes all the time. 🙂 I hoped to stop somewhere to eat, but ran out of money, and nowhere took AmEx. Perhaps I’ll have more luck – or more cash – today. We’ll see.

I took a handful of photos. Perhaps I’ll take more today.

ApacheCon Flickr

When I uploaded photos this morning, Flickr told me that my account had expired. Ok. I went to renew it, and after going through the process to pay with my AmEx, I came to a confirmation screen with two “Pay Now” buttons. I quickly clicked the first one, and too late realized that the first one was a PayPal “Pay Now” button, while the second one, all the way at the bottom of the screen, was for the AmEx information I had just filled out. So this ended up going on my PayPal account, which is tied to a credit card that I’m trying very hard to pay off and get rid of. Very, very annoying.

Anyways, HERE is my ApacheCon EU 2007 Flickr set. If you’re coming to ApacheConEU07, please use the ApacheConEU07 tag on your photos. We’re planning to announce this at the conference. We always end up with a half-dozen variants, and so you have to hunt several places to find photos from other ApacheCons. This is always annoying. So … don’t do that, mmmkay?