All posts by rbowen

How do I log out?

For many moons, I’ve been complaining about the fact that no browsers allow you to log out of BASIC HTTP auth. Seems that Mozilla is finally considering implementing this.

So, eventually, the “how do I log out” FAQ in the Apache auth tutorial will have to include this information. And maybe some other browsers will follow suit. You’d think that after 10 years of people asking for this feature, it could have happened a little sooner.

See also this page about how to do this in IE. But I don’t really understand that one.

Columbia, revisited

After a little more reflection, and particularly after reading Ken’s comments, I’m still feeling a little distanced from what happened, but I can certainly see that this is more than just the death of some people I didn’t know.

Indeed, every man’s death diminishes me. Ask not for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee. And in that sense, I tend to feel much more affected by the horrible disasters that happen in Africa every day and are a bullet point, or not even mentioned at all, in the western press. On the day that the WTC fell, killing more than 3000 people in the worst disaster on US soil, more than 5000 people died in gas line explosions, and subsequent fires, in Nigeria. One was not worse than the other at the time, but one has clearly had wider repurcussions in the lives of every living human being.

So when a space vehicle crashes, what are those wider repurcussions? Last week, I was doing Apache training, and one of my students was connected with NASA via her work, and she remained confident that the space program will not lose funding, and will not lose steam. Accidents happen, and this is not the end of the line. Finding out why it happened, and not letting it get in the way of future discovery, is the goal of the moment, as evidenced by the detail being given to going through the evidence even at this very moment.

The death of one individual is not more tragic, or less tragic, than the death of another. Every time an individual dies, be it spectuacularly, or quietly at home, we are all affected in some way, and those close to the person will grieve whether the person was a prince or a pauper. But some events, like this one, are genuinely tragedies of national, and perhaps international scale, because of the lasting effects that they will have on policy, discovery, and our future.

Ken, thanks for your comments, and for putting things into a sensible perspective.

Daddy Town!

We went to Gatti Town last night, to celebrate Sarah’s 5th birthday. What an awesome place! I had never been there before, and it was a blast, as long as I could suppress thoughts about how darned expensive it was. Sarah, having misheard me the first time I mentioned the place, then insisted on calling it “Daddy Town” the rest of the evening, much to my delight. They had a truck simulator, and let me tell you, there’s nothing quite like driving a 18-wheeler with a 5-year-old! Also, she never quite got the notion that, in the taxi game, we were supposed to stop and pick up the passengers, not run them over.

Two thumbs up to Gatti Town!

Pikeville and back

Just a few quick comments before I fall into bed.

I just got back from the Pikeville Professional Linux Group, where I gave an “Intro to Apache” talk for their Sunday afternoon meeting. Of course, to get there, I had to drive about 3.5 hours each way. And by some strange trick of geography, it was all uphill, both directions.

Most of the trip was on the Mountain Parkway, which was beautiful on the way there, and terrifying on the way back, by which time it was pitch dark and snowing.

To add to the fun, I ran out of gas on the way back. At least, my gas gauge fell as far below E as I have ever seen it, and seemed to be trying to go through the pin at the bottom end of the scale. But, since this was way up in the hills of Eastern Kentucky, there was not a gas station, or a town, to be had for many miles. Somehow, I managed to go more than 20 miles after I was sure I would run dry, and found an exit for Campton. I still had to go about 6 miles from the exit to find a gas store that was open. I was absolutely convinced that I would be stuck in the middle of nowhere, with no idea where I was. But I made it. I always thought that my gas tank was 15 gallons, but I put 17 gallons of gas in it. Very unnerving.

Pikeville, which is roughly 100 miles east of Lexington, has a really impressive technology center, where I gave the presentation. The room that I was in had a 6×8 screen at the front of the room. That is, a 6 foot by 8 foot monitor, into which I plugged my laptop. It was very impressive. The turnout was a little disappointing, but several of the folks that were to come were sick with the flu.

I’m glad I agreed to go do this, but now I am utterly exhausted.

Shuttle crash kills 7, 25-50 people die in explosion in Lagos

Yesterday, the space shuttle Columbia broke into pieces as it approached for landing, at a height of about 200,000 yards above Texas, raining debris over a huge area of land. I mention this purely so that there is a historical reference to it in my journal. However, at the risk of seeming unfeeling, as the newspapers trumpet the idea that the whole world is in mourning, I find myself earnestly wishing for a life so simple and idyllic that I could find it in me to mourn a vehicle crash killing 7 people I don’t know. Yes, obviously the implications are wider than that. Their families. The space program. The people in the path of the debris. But, the same day, there was an explosion in Lagos that killed between 25 and 50 people, and this seems no more remote to me than the shuttle accident.

Technology in Kentucky

OK, I heard one too many people make disparaging remarks about Kentucky and how it is populated solely by hicks and losers.


A number of persons in my immediate group of friends, including, but not limited to Bert Walther, David Pitts, Ken Rietz, Rick Cook, and to some extent myself, have given indivudually hundreds, and collectively thousands of hours towards the goal of making Kentucky a place where technology is a viable industry. And we have enjoyed a certain amount of success. There are at least three organizations (LPLUG, Lexington IT, and LITF) which we have either founded or participated in, which promote Technology in central Kentucky with some success.

Additionally, a number of my wider group of acquaintances have been influential in promoting Technology in Kentucky. In particular, I would point out Jim Clifton at the KSTC, who has made a significant amount of money available to entrepreneurs in this area in investments and grants.

I grow weary of the snide remarks that are made by people about the condition of industry and education in Kentucky, who are clearly not willing to do anything about it, and more importantly, who are ignoring the advances that Kentucky has made, and is making, under the leadership of great men like Dr Lee Todd. I consider it a great privilege to have worked for Dr Todd at DataBeam, and great asset to myself personally, as well as to my resumé.

To be blunt, if you don’t like Kentucky, feel free to leave. Those of us that are here and are giving our lives to the betterment of Kentucky simply don’t need your negativism. Yes, we trail the nation in many important areas, but we are working hard at changing that. We have a lot of problems to overcome, and if you’re not part of the solution, chances are pretty good that you’re part of the problem. We’re trying to work here, and having you heckle from the sidelines does nothing for our progress.

The people that I’ve mentioned here are folks that I respect enormously, and whose vision I have caught and worked to make a reality. And when I hear comments like the one that I heard today, I find it profoundly disrespectful to these folks.

Special Kudos also go to Terry Burkhart, who has made the LITF work, and to all the fine folks that are running small technology companies in the area.


Hungry hungry hungry

As often happens when I am upset about something, I did not actually eat anything yesterday. And, about the time when I was going to do so, the gentlemen from the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints showed up, and stayed for a little more than an hour. I should probably write something about that visit, but I need to get to work. Perhaps later.

After they left, I wrote one recipe for the Apache Cookbook. One. That’s the sum of my accomplishments for this week. And so, somehow, in the next 48 hours, I need to accomplish something useful, and hopefully meet a few of the deadlines that I’m supposed to be working towards.

Meanwhile, I am very hungry, and don’t feel particularly great. I might end up having to skip this evening’s festivities, just so that I can get done a few of the things that have been left undone in the hell of this week.

Day wrapup

About 5:20, I solved the mod_perl problem, but I don’t understand why what I did solved the problem. This is almost as frustrating as having it not work in the first place, and makes me feel utterly incompetent.

The main problem here is that I’m working with a large amount of code that I did not write, do not completely understand, and lack the time to either rewrite or investigate. Much of it was written by a former minion who was one of the most talented programmers I’ve had the pleasure of working with. Which is all well and good, but when stuff breaks, I frequently run across cryptic lines of code that I don’t really understand, and certainly don’t know the reasoning behind. Like today. And, of course, he’s been gone long enough that I’m sure he no longer would know what it was there for.

Anyways, I seem to have things working now. Seems to be something that works under Perl 5.6, but not under 5.8, but I don’t know why, or if it’s a bug, or whether it should have been expected, or much of anything.

And now, it is almost 7:30, and I have not had anything to eat because I’ve been on the phone, and am rather … shall we say … irritated about something, and have been unable to think about food until this very moment.

Another week, half over before I have accomplished anything. Fortunately, I’m doing training next week, and won’t have to deal with crap like this. I hope.

mod_perl frustrations

I have spent almost the entire day thus far chasing a mod_perl problem, and I don’t appear to be any closer now than I was first thing this morning. It seems that almost nothing has worked, mod_perl-wise, since I upgraded to Perl 5.8 a week or so ago, but it had not really mattered until today, because I wasn’t working with any of that stuff. Now, today, I have to get a few trivial bugs fixed on a customer site, and I can’t get anything working on this test server. I think I might just uninstall everything and start all over from scratch. There’s only so much frustration I can take in one day.


Superbowl and geek toys

At the SuperBowl-watching-event, I took my LCD projector, which we looked up to provide a big-screen version of the action. We also got the wireless network going, and hooked up my laptop to the projector, so that we could switch back and forth between the action and the stats on the web site, or various other web sites.

I’d like to mention, for posterity, that Dexter Jackson was the first Safety to win SuperBowl MVP, and that he was chosen based in part on the overwhelming number of votes he received via the web.

On a somewhat unrelated note, I’d also like to mention that is running Apache 1.3.22 and mod_perl 1.26 on some Unix variant – possibly Linux.

And, finally (of course completely unrelated) I’d like to note that their web site was very happily able to handle 30 or 40 requests per second without any noticeable slowdown.