Tag Archives: skippy

iPhone ToDo Apps – Things

By the way, I did try Things. It is indeed very slick, but the $60 price tags – $50 for the service and $10 for the iPhone app – seems a little steep. In fact, Things looks like almost exactly what I’m looking for. The UI is great, and it looks like it does exactly what I want it to do. But I’m not really willing to spend $60 to find out if it does what I want.

What I really need is a gig where people pay me to to comparative reviews of products, so that I can get them for free. You know, like Skippy.

Skippy’s place

Yesterday I took off work a little early and we drove up to Columbus, OH, to have dinner in Skippy‘s back yard. Everyone else there was folks from the area – folks that he’s known for many, many years. Bob said he’d known him since he was three. Some of the other folks were friends from college.

I always love visiting Columbus. It is an enormous place with a small town feel – restaurants and stores within walking distance, friendly neighborhoods, and such great people.