Category Archives: Uncategorized


April 29, 2012
From the Sunday Scribblings

Now, the storm has passed,
or at least blown away for as long as
a afternoon nap lasts,

and I have a moment
to think uninterrupted thoughts,
write one or two of them down.

How many poems have been
derailed by a whoop,
a whine, a scream,
between brain and pen?

The clouds loom
dark and cold as my
forgotten coffee, set down during the
last storm,
the cream separated and
drifting among the darkening clouds,
ready to be knocked to the floor,
spilled like so many gathering thoughts.

Not a Nook

We have been looking at tablet computers for some time now. While we’d love to have iPads, we just can’t justify the expense, no matter how hard we try. Although I know that I will make use of a tablet for work things, and it won’t be just a toy, we all know it’s something I can live without.

Anyways, we started looking at the Kindle Fire a few weeks ago as a possibility. It’s inexpensive, and seems to do everything that I want. And it’s an Android tablet. … sort of …

One concern I had was that they have their own app store. So there might be some things in the real app store that you can’t get for your Kindle. But for some reason this didn’t concern me too terribly much.

Well, we got to the store, and the Kindle was next to the Nook Tablet, which compares very favorably in terms of price and features, and also has an SD-card expansion slot, which was a major selling point.

Oh, yeah, and they have their own app store, too.

When I got the Nook home, after the new-shiny-geeky-high wore off, I became very frustrated that every app I wanted to install was unavailable from the Nook app store. Every. Single. One. This frustration grew over the following days, until we decided to just take it back.

Unfortunately, E had destroyed the packaging, and they wouldn’t take it back without packaging.

But, there’s a happy ending to this story. There’s a product called N2A which sells an SD card for people in exactly my predicament. You insert their SD card, reboot, and, voila, you have an actual Android, which was extremely happy-making.

But it all makes me wonder, who makes decisions like this? Who decides to take an almost-magical product, and cripple it to the point where it’s barely usable? Not only do they force you to use their app store, but other features – like copy/paste as one example – had been selectively disabled, until what you’re left with is really nothing more than a very expensive ebook reader that frustrates you every time you encounter an app that looks really cool, but isn’t actually available.

So, here’s the conclusion. I love my NotNook. It’s possibly the coolest piece of technology I’ve ever owned, and yet another reason I love living in the future. But I think I can’t really recommend that you follow in my footsteps. Get a regular Android device, and avoid the frustration, unless you know ahead of time that this is what you’re in for.


I work at home. This poses problems, most of which are related to noise levels. I do quite a bit of recording, which requires that it be even more quiet than usual, but when the kids are home from school (this week is spring break) it frequently gets incredibly loud just during the normal course of the day.

A while back I expressed an interest in an ON AIR sign, like they have in radio stations, but most of them were rather more than I wanted to pay for something that was basically a toy. Yes, it’s work related, but it’s just as effective to yell out the door.

But my wife bought me one of the signs, and it just arrived today. It’s awesome.

I got the SLP 125 from There was a small mixup in shipping, so they eventually actually sent me a nicer one that I originally ordered.

And I’ve plugged it into an X10 outlet, so that I can turn it on and off with a remote control from my desk, which is especially nice when a call comes in unexpectedly, or when I just need to tell them to turn down the volume.

At the moment, it’s sitting on the mantle above the fireplace, but eventually we’re going to try to mount it somewhere a little less in the way. It’s pretty heavy, so we need to do more than just stick a nail in the wall.

On a related note, the customer support folks at OnAirSigns are awesome. It was one of those rare experiences where customer support was proactive, alerting me of a potential problem, and offering to upgrade my purchase to make up for my (very minor) inconvenience. I’m very impressed, and recommend them highly if you need any kind of lighted sign, whether with a standard message, or customized lettering.

Be careful what you start

I’ve committed a few patches over the last few weeks from a possible new contributor to the Apache HTTP Server documentation effort. Today I warned him that if he keeps it up, there’s a chance that someone will propose that he be given commit access, and you never know where that can lead.

It reminded me of a day just a short time ago (ok, 12 years … ) when someone committed a few initial patches from me. And look where it took me.

“It’s a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don’t keep your feet, there’s no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

Joshua Slive

In September of 2000, I made my first commit to the Apache HTTP Server documentation. To be exact, it was on September 12th.

On September 8th, four days earlier, Joshua Slive made his first commit, and from that point went on to completely change the way that we did documentation. We had been editing HTML files. He converted everything to XML, and built a transformation process to convert them to XHTML, as well as a variety of other formats. This made the documentation more useful, but also much easier to write. And it made the translation process much easier. (No, it certainly wasn’t only Joshua that did this, but he took the helm at this time and made it happen, with the help of many others.)

Then, when he went to grad school, Joshua stopped being quite so active. His last commit was on March 12, 2008, nearly four years ago.

I mention all of this today because last night, according to Ohloh, four years to the week after Joshua stopped committing, I *finally* passed him, in total commits.


Joshua, thanks for the work that you did. Any time you want to come back and pick up where you left off, we’d be delighted to have you.


As you may know, I participate in a project called SFShorts where we write Sci Fi in 140 characters or less. It’s a lot of fun.

A few weeks ago, a new member was added to our team, one Hugh Howey, who is an actual real-life science fiction author, not just a wannabe like me. This was very exciting, but I hadn’t actually read any of his stuff yet. At Elizabeth’s recommendation, I purchased Wool – all five parts – for my Kindle, and on my recent trip, I started reading it.

Wool is a post-apocalypse dystopian novel. Folks live in a subterranean silo, and the rules have to be pretty strict to keep things working smoothly in a completely sealed environment. This gives all sorts of plot opportunities. It is, in short, a gripping book, which I read all the way through and was left wanting more MORE MORE!!!

Hugh is a wonderful story teller. His characters are real people, not flat single-feature personalities, and you truly identify with folks – the good guys and the bad guys – in a way that many authors simply can’t achieve.

I will be buying everything Hugh writes, and pestering him to write more. You should too. This is really great stuff.

By the way, for those looking for good books for kids, I should mention that the language is a little on the salty side in Wool, so use your judgement here. Better yet, read it yourself first, and figure out what your kids can handle.

Biashara Street

Biashara Street
February 5, 2012

Step away from the
odour of bodies and exhaust into a

chutney of cardamom

Sacks of
cashews overflow onto
floors covered with boxes,
and more heaps of
burlap bags
full of jasmine rice,
basmati rice,
long brain brown rice
from exotic places I
dream of going, some day.

In this quarter mile of
dusty street
are gathered all the spices of the world,

from Sri Lanka,
and far-away San Francisco.

Tea, coffee and
cocoa pods
lend their aroma to the
general cacophony of smells,
discordant, but, somehow

a symphony in a thousand voices.

Knowing that school uniforms
are only a street or two over,

I stand and breathe deeply
of the cloves,
curry powder,
and saffron.

For the Weekend Wordsmith – Chutney

Moving Furniture

I work from home, and our house is not enormous. When I first started working at home, we put a desk into our bedroom, and got a shoji screen to partition the room into two rooms. It’s worked pretty well, but there are some drawbacks to the room layout. The room felt rather cramped, and because the desk was just a couple of inches too tall, we could no longer open the window any more.

I’ve been working that way for a little over two years now, and a few days ago we decided to try to rearrange.

The trouble is, with a lot of bulky furniture, and not much maneuvering space, it’s not something you really want to experiment with.

Open Source to the rescue. We downloaded Sweet Home 3D, from SourceForge, measured all of the furniture in the room, and then started moving it around.

Sweet Home 3D has a library of furniture items that you can resize to exactly the right dimensions. You put the outlets on the wall, as well as the pictures, so that you can see whether furniture will block outlets, and whether you’re going to have to rehang any of the paintings. You can position things in three dimensions, so you can set lamps on top of tables, or stack crates, and you can see all of this in a 3D model so you know what it’s going to look like.

Rather than spending a few hours hurting our backs, we were able to position things exactly as we want them, and plan out how we were going to get things there with the minimal amount of effort.

So, my desk is no longer by the window. (Yes, I could see the squirrels, and they were, indeed, merry.) but also the room feels much more open, and we’re not always dodging one another when we walk around the room. The lighting is better, and best of all, I don’t hurt all over from having to move the furniture two or three times to get it right.

In addition to the built-in objects, Sweet Home has a community website where people can contribute their creations. I imported an office chair from the website, because the one that was built in didn’t look right. There’s also trees, cars, and people, if you want to make a model of your entire house and surrounding land.


You can even create a video walkthrough of your room by selecting places to stand, and what direction to look. The software does the rest, connecting the positions smoothly to create a view of the room.

You can see an example of this below – the desk isn’t quite right, and I couldn’t find a shoji screen, but the general layout is right.

So, over all, four thumbs up from the Bowen moving team. I start work today in my “new” office, and although there’s still a lot of stuff still to be put away, it’s nice to have it done with so easily.


Today we discovered that someone had vandalized our property. We have a small clearing down by the creek. Someone has cut down our tire swing (yes, definitely cut) and we found the tire in a little fort, across the property line, built out of the boards with which I built Z a fort on our property. Z’s fort is completely gone.

The fort has various things spray painted on it, including PENIUS in red spray paint, and “MW3 Rangers” which assures me that it was a boy that did it.

Additionally, they had pulled down several of the hand-carved handholds that I had affixed to two of the trees down there, and broken them into small pieces. The steps and handholds that were undamaged were nailed to trees across the property line with the remains of the nails.

I spent the entire morning in a rage.

It occurred to me a while ago that only an imbecile would steal something and then leave it in plain sight across the property line. This leads me to believe that it was NOT the neighbor’s boy, but was one of the other kids from across the creek that come across to play occasionally.

But, still, WHY would someone do this? Why would someone destroy things that I have worked to create. I’m angry. Z is angry too, as he has every right to be. It’s not that what was destroyed was expensive, or even that it took a very long time to do, but that I feel violated to have my things destroyed in my own back yard.

I went next door and spoke with my neighbor, asking if his son might shed some light on what happened, but it seems unlikely that he would be so dumb as to steal my stuff and then leave there where I could find it. He didn’t seem terribly concerned, which strikes me as rather odd. I would have thought that he’d be concerned about vandalism happening on his property.

I’ve retrieved the tire. I have not retrieved the wood, much of which is ruined by being painted. I’m still very angry.

I wrote a note, put it in a ziploc freezer bag, and nailed it to the fort, asking the perpetrators to be men and come speak with me about it. I neglected to correct their spelling.

IT at the University of Cincinnati

On Wednesday evening, I had the great privilege of being invited to the University of Cincinnati to attend the basketball game against Notre Dame, in the President’s box at the arena. In attendance, in addition to the President himself, were various people from, or connected with, the IT (Information Technology) program at the University of Cincinnati.

The IT program covers a broad range of computer technology related fields, and has specializations in networking, databases, programming, and various other areas. Students are exposed to a wide variety of computing platforms, so that they don’t get into a job interview situation and have to admit that they only have training on Microsoft products. Or only Linux products, for that matter. A breadth of experience is pure gold in an interview situation.

Hazem Said, the new head of that department, was my kind host at the game, and we talked about a variety of ways that Open Source can feature in an IT curriculum. I’m really excited about the kinds of things that are in the future for this program. We talked about having students participate in healthy, mature Open Source projects as part of their training. This would give them experience not only in software programming, but also in project management, cross-cultural communication, customer support, and marketing, among other things.

When I was in college – which wasn’t so very long ago – there were some computer classes, which were mostly programming, but nothing that covered the real discipline of Information Technology in the way that I saw on Wednesday. It gives me a great deal of hope for the next generation of IT professionals that come of this program, and other programs like it around the world.

By the way, if you’re ever invited to a basketball game by the head of a University department, do a little research, and don’t wear a shirt with the other team’s color. (Really, it was an honest mistake!)