In September of 2000, I made my first commit to the Apache HTTP Server documentation. To be exact, it was on September 12th.
On September 8th, four days earlier, Joshua Slive made his first commit, and from that point went on to completely change the way that we did documentation. We had been editing HTML files. He converted everything to XML, and built a transformation process to convert them to XHTML, as well as a variety of other formats. This made the documentation more useful, but also much easier to write. And it made the translation process much easier. (No, it certainly wasn’t only Joshua that did this, but he took the helm at this time and made it happen, with the help of many others.)
Then, when he went to grad school, Joshua stopped being quite so active. His last commit was on March 12, 2008, nearly four years ago.
I mention all of this today because last night, according to Ohloh, four years to the week after Joshua stopped committing, I *finally* passed him, in total commits.
Joshua, thanks for the work that you did. Any time you want to come back and pick up where you left off, we’d be delighted to have you.