Tag Archives: tech

WOT again

I’ve generated a WOT diagram of myself and those persons who have signed my key. https://drbacchus.com/files/me_wot.png. It’s about 800K. So I’m guessing that going out another layer would be a challenge.

I speculated this morning on IRC that generating these kinds of graphs is an NP problem. Anyone know for sure?

Ms. Pac-Man

Oh, yeah, forgot to mention. Somehow, Sarah persuaded me to buy Ms. Pac-Man at RadioShack.

“Somehow”. Yeah, right. I used to spend hours playing Ms. Pac Man at the FSU Student Union arcade. There was a Ms. Pac Man machine in there that was a little flakey, and if you kicked it just right in just the right place, it gave you free games. The Centipede game was the same way.

Now I can play Ms. Pac Man and Galaga and Pole Position for hours at a time, but without the arcade manager catching me and chasing me out with threats of violence.


More about turntables

ok, the reason that I was looking for a turntable is that I am attempting to convert a HUGE stack of LPs to MP3 and/or CD. The turntable that I have quit working well. More specifically, it plays records great, but when I plug into the audio out port, I get nasty buzzing. So, more accurately, the turntable works fine, but the amp portion is icky.

So, rather than spending buncha bucks on an entirely new stereo system, I decided to just get some wires, and patch into where the speakers come out. This is actually working really well, and I’m getting good quality sound.

I’m currently “ripping” my tape of Van Halen 1984.

I remember the first time I heard “Jump.” I was in a pickup truck, in Florida. It was 1984. I was going home with my best friend (I can’t even remember his name. Isn’t that pathetic?) for a sleepover. His uber-cool big brother was driving, and he popped in the brand new tape from Van Halen, cranked it up, and played Jump. Pretty cool stuff.

So, with the new/old technology in place, I can resume my lengthy project.

Ohio LinuxFest

One more note before I head out to do some stuff. I will be speaking at Ohio LinuxFest next Saturday in Columbus. I encourage you to come if you’re in the area. There will be some interesting people there. And I’ll be there too. It would be great to meet up, chat, sign PGP keys, and generally geek out.

Registration is recommended, if you’re planning to drop by.

Government subsidised pay television?

The mind reels.

McCain seeks funds to speed digital-TV shift.

So … television is an essential service, and the government is providing funding so that I can have my MTV? Am I really understanding this correctly?

I realize that a billion dollars is loose change to these guys, but to have my tax money used to pay for impoverished families to watch Big Brother (or whatever The Show is right now) simply boggles my mind.

If you haven’t read Farenheit 451 yet, please go do so now, ok?


Teaching kids to code

Matthew asks for suggestions on teaching kids to code. This is actually something that I’m curious about, too. In the event that my daughter expresses an interest in computers that extends beyond gaming – and this seems pretty likely right now – I’m wondering what direction that will take.

She is now equally comfortable on Windows and Linux – indeed, she doesn’t really see that there’s a difference, as far as I can tell. And she likes to type. So I’m thinking Vim and Perl. πŸ™‚ But I’m also going to look at some of the things that were recommended by various other commenters on Matthew’s site.

While I’d like for her to be a Linux Chick, I’m not planning to force free software philosophy down her throat. Well, anyways, at least until she’s 7 or 8. πŸ˜‰

Firefox 1.0

I just upgraded to Firefox 1.0. This was, initially, a rather painful thing, because it nuked all of my bookmarks, forgot my font/color/etc preferences, lost my plugins, and themes, and generally irritated me.

Having wasted a great deal of time, I have restored my bookmarks to their former glory, and mostly reinstalled all the doodads and geegaws that I had before.

Then someone introduced me to the new RSS functionality. As Junie B would say, Wowie wow wow! So, I can bookmark an RSS feed, and that gives me a list of recent articles. I can then “Open in tabs” and get, for example, all of the day’s Slashdot articles, one in each tab. This is so very cool, it almost makes up for the slash-and-burn nature of the upgrade itself.

I’m told there are other things, like the new search functionalty, that are wonderful. I don’t actually find the new search functionality particularly useful. Perhaps I’m missing something. In all, the 0.8->1.0 upgrade didn’t really gain me anything except a lot of pain and the RSS feature. Of course, the RSS feature is really starting to grow on me.