Tag Archives: hunter

Book 22: Warriors: Into The Wild

Z has been bugging me for some time to read Warriors: Into The Wild, and I have been avoiding it because I rather assumed it was rubbish. Or, at best, that it was aimed squarely at 10-year-old boys, and I would find it tedious and silly.

It took forever to get started, but the setup was worth the wait. Also, this book was the setup for an enormous series, so presumably a lot of setup was required. Anyways, by the end, I was starting to care about the characters, and will probably read the next book in the series.

The concept is that a house cat joins one of the forest clans of wild cats and becomes one of them. However the “ignorant outsider as excuse to explain stuff” technique is not overused, and you’re mostly allowed to learn about things by watching, rather than by being lectured by the other characters. (See: Harry Potter.)

While it will likely be a while before I get around to it (my list is long, and growing) I will almost surely read the next book in the series at some point.