Tag Archives: conferences

CCCU Tech Conference

On Tuesday, we’ll be heading to the CCCU Tech Conference, where I and my colleagues from Asbury College are giving 1/3 of the talks. I’ll be giving a talk on Podcasting, one on how to evaluate Open Source projects/products, and one on Wikis.

I’m particularly looking forward to the one on evaluating Open Source projects. I’m curious to know what I’ll say. πŸ˜‰

Where did I go?

In 2005, I travelled more than I have any other year, but I didn’t really keep particularly good records, and so I’m not entirely certain where I went. I suppose that if I went back through this journal, it would probably all be there, but even that I’m not certain of. Here’s where I think I went.

January: West Palm Beach, FL, Apache training.
March: New York, NY, ApacheCon (EU) planners meeting
April: Moscow, Russia, Open Source Forum Russia
May/June: Spokane, WA, CCCU Technology Conference
June: Tampa, FL, Apache training
July: Stuttgart, Germany, ApacheCon Europe
July: San Diego, CA, ApacheCon (US) planners meeting
August: Portland, OR, O’Reilly Open Source Software Convention
September: Cincinatti/Covington, KY, Kentucky Higher Education Computing Conference
October: Columbus, OH, Ohio LinuxFest
October: Orlando, FL, Educause
December: San Diego, CA, ApacheCon US
December: Bordentown, NJ, Christmas vacation.

Somewhere in there are several road trips to Eastern Kentucky and Tennessee for camping and/or hiking. At least 3 of those, but there may be more that I’m forgetting.

Sarah and I have decided that this year I will travel much less. I’m not exactly sure what that means that I’ll give up. But, it’s not like the invitations are pouring in πŸ˜‰ , so I don’t expect that I’ll have to turn down anything exciting. There was a possibility of going to OSBC World Conference in Malaga, Spain, but that has fallen through for a variety of reasons. But you folks that are in that area really should go. It’s sure to be a *fantastic* conference.

Internet History Archive

Sure, the website isn’t much yet, but the Internet History Archive project seems like a very important thing. Focusing first on the period between 1980 and 1994, this is a serious history project focused on preserving the history of the development of the internet in actual historical documents. This includes oral history – interviewing the folks who were actually involved – and obtaining and preserving the documents from those days. Eventually, it will expand to other time periods.

I know that some of you folks who read this were there, and were important in the decisions that were made – if not in that period, at least in the “early web” period that immediately followed it. I encourage you to contact the folks there and offer your services. Every little bit counts.

The internet and the web are among the most significant scientific developments of the 20th century, and it is important to preserve the history of it for posterity.

Too much wireless

There are so many wireless networks here that I can’t join any of them, and it’s repeatedly crashing iStumbler. Of course, this is education, so it’s not a big surprise that people can’t cooperate and communicate, is it?


I’m at Educause ’05 which is the technology in higher education conference. I’m in a session where CALEA is being discussed. Seems that I was completely unaware of this. The notion is that “communications carriers” (whatever that means) need to make it easy for “law enforcement” (whatever that means) to intercept communication (whatever that means) for law enforcement purposes (whatever that means).

By the way, nobody seems ot know what that means. You have 18 months to become compliant, but nobody is willing to define what contsitutes being compliant. So hurry up and comply.

It might be worth your time to read the bill and tell your Congress Critter what you think about it.

The week in review

It’s been a whirlwind of a week in the last 4 days. Two conferences and about 600 miles.

On Wednesday evening, we (Paul, Bert, Brett, Rick and me) drove up to Cincy for the Kentucky Higher Education Computing Conference. Good stuff there, as recorded on the KHECC blog.

On Friday afternoon, we drove back home. I got home, unpacked, packed, and left for Ohio LinuxFest. It’s the third year they’ve done it, and it was twice the size of last year. There were just over 700 people there, and some fantastic presentations. My talk on mod_rewrite was very well attended and well received. I was pleased with how it went, and now have yet more incentive to finally finish writing my book.

I stayed with Skippy, which was in itself a great experience. His kids are delightful, his house charming, and his wife wonderful and hospitable. Thank you so much for opening your home to me. I especially enjoyed jumping on the trampoline with the girls, and Skippy has promised to post photos somewhere. πŸ™‚

On Saturday morning, we loaded up some PCs and monitors, and took them to the conference facility. These were from FreeGeek Columbus, which recycles used PCs and other hardware.

Novell had a big presence, giving a significant number of the talks, and were also a major sponsor. Thanks, Novell.

At lunch, we went to Bucco di Beppo. I’ll post photos later today or tomorrow, once I get some other stuff dune. There were perhaps 16 people there, and it was a lot of fun, although not as rowdy as last year. We had the pope room, which is quite an experience.

I stayed another night at Skippy’s house and had breakfast with the family in the morning at a area restaurant, which was positively wonderful, although their pancakes were the size of garbage can lids, and I wasn’t able to finish the second one.

We just arrived back home a little while ago, and I haven’t yet unpacked. I have a lot of writing I need to catch up on, but I’d really much rather take a nap.

OLF 2005

I’m at Ohio LinuxFest. Although the word was that there would be no intarweb here, never underestimate the resourcefulness of geeks in large groups. Geeks perceive lack of internet access as damage, and route around it. I think the 1000 of us are using the internet across one person’s cell phone. Amazing.

cd ~rbowen

Most of you already know about this, but …

I just got done filling out my “intent to vacate” form. Finally. I’ll be moving to MY HOUSE some time during the 6th-8th of August. The timing of the actual vacancy date of MY HOUSE could hardly be worse. It will actually be vacant August 1st, which falls directly between coming back from ApacheCon and leaving for OSCon. But, I’m really glad that it’s finally happening. It seems that I’ve been waiting forever, and, I suppose I have, for carefully selected definitions of “forever.”

So, for the record, each and every one of you are invited to MY HOUSE on the 6th, 7th, and 8th of August, either to help with moving, or just to hang out and enjoy MY HOUSE. I actually get back from portland at about 10am on the 6th, and, although there might be a brief nap in there somewhere, I intend to start moving stuff almost immediately.

Anyone who wants to move stuff while I’m gone in Portland is welcome to a set of keys. πŸ˜€

I can’t move before leaving for OSCon, because my servers really need to stay up while I’m gone. No, not so you can read my blog. My mail server is here on my DSL line, and if it were to go down, I would not be able to get and/or send email while I was gone. I suppose I could do it via $employer, but all of my mailing list subscriptions would start bouncing, and that’s never any fun. So I sincerely hope that the DSL switchover goes more smoothly than it did when I moved to this apartment.