Permanent Waves: Rush week 4

I’m very late getting to this because I’ve been traveling.

I don’t have a lot to say about Permanent Waves. For one reason or another it’s not one of the albums that I think of as a coherent album. I couldn’t tell you what it’s *about* like I can for, say, Roll the Bones, Vapor Trails, or Counterparts.

It’s got some kicker songs on it, but I don’t know what they have to do with one another.

That said, it was a delight to listen to it again, afresh, over the last 2 weeks.

There’s two songs, in particular, that – I think due to the mix-tape-from-a-friend nature of my early Rush listening, I am very unfamiliar with. Entre Nous and Jacob’s Ladder, for some reason, never really entered my brain as part of the every day Rush playlist. Listening to them anew after all these years was interesting. Entre Nous is beautiful, both lyrically and musically, and I enjoyed listening to it again.

We are secrets to each other
Each one’s life a novel
No one else has read

Full lyrics here.

This sentiment is echoed in the much later song, Spindrift, as I aluded to a few weeks ago.

Jacob’s Ladder just sounds like it was a lot of fun to play, although I must admit that I don’t know what it’s about, and I need to make some time to actually read the lyrics.

Anyways, thanks again to Craig for doing this. It’s been a lot of fun.