Tag Archives: phptek

PHP Rock Stars

PHP Rock Stars

The evening event on Wednesday at php|tek involved a XBox, a couple of electric guitars, a drumset, and a mic, and a game called, I believe, Rock Star. And, of course, several of the conference organizers in full KISS get-up. Photos Here.

One of the bands in the contest, Epic Failboat, was quite remarkable, with the lead singer being pretty much perfect. However, the bands were judged on stage presence, rather than musical talent, so the band Unibrow With A Vengeance won instead. Pity.

Cafe la Cave

We had dinner last night at Café la Cave, which was absolutely marvelous, from start to finish. (Photos Here.) I had the Chilean seabass, and it was perhaps the best fish I’ve had in years … since that wonderful meal I had at the City Cellar (I think that’s what it was called) at Cit Place, in West Palm Beach in 2004. But, the company was much better last night.

Now we’re having breakfast at the Sheraton. The conference starts at 9, so we’ve got a little time left. I give my talk after lunch today. I’ve made some changes to it, based on feedback from the last few times. I hope it’s well-received.

httpd power tools

I just got done with my “httpd power tools”, aka “20 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do With Apache”. I think it was well received – at least, folks were frantically taking notes through the whole thing, which is usually a good with. It felt rushed without being panicked. There were a lot more questions than I’m used to, so I was actually more rushed than usual. But still, I had a good time, which is generally my measure of a good talk.

Maintainable PHP Code

16-May-2007 11:27:12

It’s good to be at a conference where, when things go wrong, I don’t feel at all responsible for fixing them. They’re trying to get the hotel to close the airgap walls between the speaking rooms, to divide the keynote room into three session rooms, and it doesn’t seem that the hotel was aware of this need.

And yet, I still *do* feel responsible, and rather uncomfortable. What’s that about? Apparently I’ve been in conference planning so long that I can’t just sit back and enjoy a conference without feeling the urge to help out.

Anyways, I’m attending (or attempting to) a talk on “Writing Maintainable PHP Code”, (Jeff Moore) and I imagine it’ll start any minute now. Right about … now.