GTasks for Android

I use Google Tasks as my primary ToDo list. I switched a month or two ago upon finding out that there’s no decent Teuxdeux app for Android, and now I appreciate it for other reasons.

On Android, I use GTasks, by DATO.

This morning, they pushed an update, which broke certain features, and this resulted in a lot of negative feedback from folks who, like myself, rely on it for daily task management. Within hours, they had pushed a new release which reverted the breakage.

I’m hugely impressed with the app itself, and also with their responsiveness. I’m also delighted with the Google Play Store, which allows for this kind of responsiveness. From what I understand, in the Apple App Store, it would have taken several more days to get the fixed version pushed out, and I would have been unable to use my to-do list until next week, at best.

So, thanks to all the players in this particular scene. If you’re looking for a todo list manager, I can’t recommend anything higher. Oh, and there’s an iOS version, too, but it’s not nearly as nice.

ApacheCon EU

ApacheCon EU starts tomorrow, and, for the first time ever, I won’t be there.

In fact, today is my very last chance to say this – I’ve been to every (official) ApacheCon. In fact, if you don’t count 1998, I’m the only person who has been to every ApacheCon.

In 1998, there was an event called ApacheCon, in San Francisco, hosted by CNet, but that was before the Apache Software Foundation was formed. So I choose not to count that one.

Then, in 2000, I spoke at ApacheCon 2000 in Orlando. Then there was London 2000 with Douglas Adams keynoting. Since then, we’ve been a lot of places, including Santa Clara, San Diego, Las Vegas, Atlanta, New Orleans, Amsterdam, Dublin, Vancouver (Canada) and Stuttgart – not in that order.And Colombo, Sri Lanka, where I met Arthur C. Clarke. In fact, it’s the Sri Lanka one that lets me claim the honor of being the only person to go to every one, because the only ASF members there were me, Ken Coar, and Danese Cooper.

But, tomorrow, ApacheCon EU starts, in Sinsheim Germany, and I won’t be there. Already many of my friends have gathered there, and are having dinner there right now. I wish I could be there with them, and not just because it would keep my record intact. I love ApacheCon. I love giving and attending the talks. I love spending time with old friends and meeting new ones. I love the passion of the community, and learning about the new sub-communities that are joining the larger Apache family.

And I sincerely hope that the is the last one I’ll miss.

Looking forward to ApacheCon North America 2013 in Portland. I plan to be at that one. You should come, too.

Throwing my vote away

I grow increasingly more frustrated with the “common wisdom” that voting for anybody but the top two clowns is “throwing my vote away.” This seems to assume that the only measure of a vote’s value is whether your candidate wins.

By this logic, if I vote for Romney, and Obama wins (or vice versa) then I will have thrown my vote away.

I firmly believe that that if everyone in this nation dispensed with this fiction and actually voted what they believe, we would see a repudiation of the voice of Washington, and actually hear the voice of the people.

We, the people of the United States of America, are sick of the government of the wealthy, by the wealthy, for the wealthy. So why do we keep voting for them? Why do we keep voting for the two parties who have consistently given us a government that doesn’t actually represent what we seem to want and believe?

Because people tell us that voting for the candidates we actually believe in is “throwing our vote away.”

I firmly believe that voting for a candidate I don’t support is throwing my vote away. If voting is indeed the ultimate expression of free speech, then voting for a candidate I do not support is lying.

People keep asking me why I would consider throwing my vote away. I find this baffling. Why would I consider voting for a candidate I don’t support?

People keep saying that “voting for a third party is in fact voting for Obama.” This is patently nonsense. It is true only if I agree that the only thing that matters is the winner. I do not believe this. I believe that my voice matters. If I am the only voice in a crowd expressing my perspective, then surely I should speak louder, not throw my lot in with voices I disagree with.

The current incarnation of the Republican party (which seems to have little to do with its historical roots) has created the current economic crisis. The current incarnation of the Democratic party hasn’t done a lot to solve it.

We spend an immoral amount of money on war. Killing and destruction seems to be the major purpose of our empire, as evidenced by where we put our money. A vote for the status quo is a vote to continue wars in Afghanistan, and start one in Iran. I cannot support that. I cannot lend my voice to a course of action that I fundamentally repudiate.

That would be throwing my vote away.

Rich’s Rule of Content

I mentioned Rich’s Rule of Content today on IRC, in the context of a patch that I’d applied to the Apache httpd documentation.

Rich’s Rule of Content is something that I started jokingly referring to back in the DataBeam days. It goes something like this:

Make up any old thing. If it’s wrong, someone will be quick to point it out.

The serious side of this is that people are much quicker to correct errors than they are to provide the content in the first place. So if you make your best effort at writing a document about something, someone will quickly step up to point out the errors that you have made. Sometimes they’ll be rude about it. Most of the time (at least in the httpd project) they will be gentle and polite.

And, as a result, the docs are better than they were yesterday. Thanks, Jeff and Daniel.

Washing dishes and muzzling oxen

Deuteronomy 25:4 – You shall not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the grain.

Last weekend I spent the entire weekend at the sink at St. Andrew Orthodox Church, washing dishes. We were having our annual heritage festival, which involves dancing – Greek, Arabic, Russian, Irish – a silent auction, and food. Lots and lots of food. Most of this food is from Greece and various parts of the middle east.

So, the kitchen is the place to be during all of this. There is constantly something toothsome coming out of the oven. And if you’re right there, someone is going to ask you to taste it to make sure it’s ok. And, even when the cabbage rolls are running out, the folks working in the kitchen have access to the fresh ones coming out of the oven.

Because, as Deuteronomy says, you don’t muzzle the ox while he’s treading the grain.

So, I washed dishes all day, and ate like a king. Or, perhaps, like a sheikh.


Sword of Shannara I’ve had the rare good fortune to meet many of my favorite authors. Notably, Douglas Adams, Arthur C Clarke, and, a few weeks ago, Terry Brooks. I’ve also met Cory Doctorow, Mo Willems, Will Wheaton, Frank X Walker and a host of other authors, and each time was struck by the humanity of great people. I deeply regret that I never had an opportunity to tell Ray Bradbury how much his work means to me.

Two of the authors I’ve met have since died, and I remember meeting them – particularly Sir Arthur – as high points of my life. Shaking the hand that penned Rama was an inexpressible honor.

(Indeed, I’ve had the fortune to meet many of my heroes over the years – that’s a post for another time.)

Several weeks ago I met Terry Brooks, the author of The Sword of Shannara which, for a long time, held the title of Favorite Book Ever. That spot has since been usurped by Dandelion Wine, and I somehow think that Terry might not begrudge Ray Bradbury that spot.

Mr. Brooks was signing books at Joseph Beth Booksellers, in Lexington.

Mr. Brooks answered a *lot* of questions, and really gave them thought, and spoke to the people asking them as though they mattered. He read a *long* section from his new book, but carefully chose a section that didn’t actually give anything away. And he signed books. Boy, did he sign books. He signed everything that anyone brought. One guy brought a suitcase. I am not making this up. A suitcase which purportedly contained The Complete Works. And Mr. Brooks signed them.

When we went up to have our books signed (alas, I only took three!) he spoke with us as though we were people. He made eye contact. He wrote our names in the books, and made sure he was spelling them right.

I was so impressed that I’ve now started buying and reading all of his books that I’ve missed over the years. And, somehow, having heard him read makes the books come alive a little more. I think Sword might be creeping back up my favorite book list again.

Our Hero

I woke up again this morning with a story. I don’t know where it came from, but I’d like to think it has a certain Bradbury feel to it.

Our Hero

“Jeremy Finkel?”

“He’s not here.”

“Michael Cabot.”

“He’s not here.”

The man at the podium looked over his glasses at us standing in the enormous hall.

“Perhaps it would save time if you tell me who you are, and I’ll mark you off.”

We gave him our names, and he made elaborate checkmarks on his roster. Me, and my buddy Lawrence. Just us.

“I’m sure you know the rules, boys?”

We did. We had read over them a million times, looking for a loophole.

“Must be present to win.”

Here we were. The only ones here, even though the hall had been rented for a much larger turn out. Perhaps the fans just weren’t as plentiful as they expected.

“Must be of legal driving age.”

That was the sticker. Lawrence was thirteen. I was twelve. Twelve and three quarters.

“And at least 2000 people must enter before anybody can win.”

The defeat in his eyes was big enough to fill the room.

“253. That’s how many entered. And you’re the only ones here.”

“But I paid my dollar. I have the receipt right here! What about my dollar?”

He looked around at the room, at the custodial staff already looking at their watches.

“And,” he continued, as though I hadn’t said anything, “48 nasty letters. Most of them claiming that it wasn’t the actual car.”

That hadn’t even occured to me. The poster said the raffle was for the car. The actual car. Would they dare lie about a thing like that?

He stepped out from behind the podium, suddenly much smaller than he had been behind its protection, and sadly came towards us.

“Well, boys, show’s over. Go on home.”

I was thunderstruck. We paid our dollar. We showed up, skipping school, and risking the wrath of Mrs. Bacurdi to be here. And now we just had to leave?

“But, sir, I paid my dollar.” It was all I could think to say.

“You’re big fans, huh?” The light came back into his eyes, just a little.

“The biggest. We have the posters and the action figures and the ticket stubs and …”

“Then no doubt you know that the actor who played him …”

We both muttered his name.

“… lives a few streets over in …”

We both muttered his address. We had seen him once in the grocery store, looking rather less dapper, and somewhat older, than he had on the silver screen, but it was still him. We tailed him around the store, but didn’t have the courage to approach him.

“… and has the actual car sitting in his garage.”

We gaped. No, we didn’t know that. The tabloid newspapers didn’t know that. The Complete Compendium Of Movie Lore didn’t know that. It was ‘missing, presumed stolen or destroyed on the set.’ Was it possible that THE car was 7 blocks away from where I slept each night? Could it be true?

“… and needs to sell it to cover some of those debts,” he was saying, “and hoped that a raffle might …”

We stared at him, not really understanding anything past the implication that Our Hero had Fallen On Hard Times. This, too, seemed unthinkable.

He stopped talking, and looked at us for a long time. Looked at our dreams and hopes dying, and a new steel came into his eyes.

“Hold on a moment. I’ll see what I can do.”

He went over to the phone in the corner, put in a dime, and made a call. We didn’t hear all of it, but it sounded like he was talking to a friend, not to a hero. He called him Sam. We heard, “No, I’m afraid not, Sam. There’s nothing I can do. But maybe there’s something you can do.”

After a long time he came back over to us and led us out into the alley behind the hall. The custodians had started putting away the chairs before the doors closed behind us.

We felt it before we heard it, and we heard it long before we saw it. Then, there it was.

Exactly as it has been on the screen, all the way to the cheesy cardboard covers on the wheels and the hand-painted lightning bolt on the hood. It looked every bit as real in color as it had in black and white.

And at the wheel, Our Hero, complete with his mask and costume, still almost fitting.

And he was stopping right in front of us.

He said the line from the movie, even as we were mouthing it.

“Need a ride, gentlemen?”

He didn’t have to ask twice.

We rode around town for two hours. People stared and pointed. We sat in the front seat. I sat next to him, and every now and then he’d look over at us and smile that huge smile that you’ve seen on the screen. Several times, the garish colors seemed to fade to the more correct greys and blacks, and we were chasing Moke McBaddun down Main Street, guns blazing, and then the colors would come back, and it was just South Elm. But we were there in the cockpit with him, either way.

Then it was over, and we were shaking hands, and mumbling something, and he gave us those cardboard wheel covers. Turns out they were just on one side. He took them off and signed them. Our Hero. He wrote his “real” name on it too.

The next week, a truck drove past our house with an old car on the back, and the newspaper had something about an old actor losing everything and selling his memorabilia to pay off years of debt. And now he lives on our side of the tracks. We see him in the grocery store now and then, but we don’t say anything to him. He lifts his hat to our mothers, and winks at us, to remind us that we have a secret.

The Wind Will Change

The Wind Will Change
July 1, 2012

The wind will change,
Mom said,
and you’ll be stuck looking like that.

I scowled at the mirror,
examining the wrinkles.
Smiled, frowned,
was surprised.

The wind didn’t change.

My face remained

Mom’s eyes laughed,
the laughs of years
stuck there by the changing winds.

Then, somehow,
the wind changed.
The canyon in my brow
won’t smooth out.
The scowls, joys and surprises
etched there by the wind.

And now,
my son scowls at me,
his beautiful smooth face
contorted and creased.
He wonders why I laugh,
and tell him
the wind will change.

SourceForge Allura submitted to the Apache Incubator!

Today we submitted Allura to be considered for the Apache Software Foundation Incubator program.

Allura is the software that powers SourceForge’s developer experience. It offers source code hosting, discussion forums, issue ticket tracking, wiki, mailing lists, and much more. It’s been Open Source from day one under the Apache License, and we’ve decided that we want so much more.

By submitting Allura to the Apache Incubator, we hope to draw an even wider community of developers who can advance the feature set and tailor the framework to their needs. With the flexibility and extensibility Allura allows, developers are free to use any number of the popular source code management tools, including: Git, SVN, or Mercurial. We are indeed willing to turn our own open source platform in a tool that everyone can use and extend, and we believe Apache is the best place to steward the process.

The Apache Software Foundation is a non-profit that provides the legal and technical environment for Open Source projects to flourish. The Incubator is the mechanism for accepting new projects into the foundation. Today we’ve submitted our proposal to the Incubator, and over the coming weeks and months, will continue building a larger community around Allura.

We’re very excited about this step and think that it’s going to be a big turning point in the history of SourceForge. Many of us are thrilled because we have been huge Apache fans for more than a decade, and have been actively working to support the Apache OpenOffice podling. We look forward to collaborating with some of the brightest people in the world, and benefiting the thousands of Open Source projects that are hosted at SourceForge. It’s clearly the best of all possible worlds.

You can read more about Allura features, and you can read more about the Apache Incubator. We hope to be joining a truly stellar group of projects in the Incubator.

If you want to participate in the Allura development, there are many ways for you to get involved. There’s the source code, documentation, UI/UX, and just using it and telling us what you like or don’t like. We’d love to have you as part of the Allura development community.

The Margin Is Too Narrow