Mr. Vance seems to be just a smarter version of Trump

One thing that was kind of refreshing, listening to Senator Vance on Tuesday evening, was his ability, unlike his boss, to complete entire sentences – even entire paragraphs – without changing the subject, praising himself, or wandering into meaningless babble. Often he would even address the topic that was being asked about, and remain on that topic through his entire answer. He sounded startlingly intelligent, especially in contrast to Trump.

I often wonder how intelligent, educated people can listen to Trump and conclude that he is a leader and a statesman. But I know some who do. I often find myself guessing where he might have gone with a sentence had he ever reached the end of it, but he so seldom makes any sense.

With Vance, he was mostly clear in articulating his positions, and, if they are aligned with Trump’s (and, really, who can tell?) then I’m even clearer now than before why I disagree with them.

If nothing else, their contempt for immigrants is pretty revolting. Their willingness to dehumanize anybody not like them is unnerving.

Even apart from the almost comical nonsense about eating pets, the desire to scapegoat hard working immigrants who are here legally, rather than address the reasons they are here, or simply to distract from actual problems, is lazy and cowardly, but also hurts real people who are trying to provide for their families.

But also, who is really like them? I’m not, and they have made clear their willingness to punish anyone who disagrees with them – to “go after” their detractors. Which presumably includes me.

So, thank you Mr. Vance for more clearly articulating the hatred and xenophobia of your running mate. It’s not like we didn’t know, but sometimes one likes to listen to complete sentences.

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