The Cruelty of Heresy: An Affirmation of Christian Orthodoxy

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uuid: 9C438907-EA78-4BBA-A8D4-45C780D7A048
upc: 9780819215130
title: The Cruelty of Heresy: An Affirmation of Christian Orthodoxy
purchase date: 05-05-2005
publisher: Morehouse Group
published: 01-11-1993
price: $17.95
pages: 197
net Rating: 4
last lookup time: 137034208
genre: Orthodoxy History Apologetics
fullTitle: The Cruelty of Heresy: An Affirmation of Christian Orthodoxy
currentValue: $7.20
created: 137004784
country: us
author: C. Fitzsimons Allison
aspect: Paperback
asin: 0819215139