The Adventures of Tintin: The Broken Ear / The Black Island / King Ottokar's Sceptre

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uuid: 9CA56B3F-B39D-446F-BDF9-0802FD415C29
upc: 9780316359429
title: The Adventures of Tintin: The Broken Ear / The Black Island / King Ottokar's Sceptre
series: 3 Complete Adventures in 1 Volume
purchase date: 06-05-2005
publisher: Little, Brown
published: 02-05-1994
price: $17.99
pages: 192
numberInSeries: 2
net Rating: 5
last lookup time: 137110032
genre: Comics & Graphic Novels TinTin Herge
fullTitle: The Adventures of Tintin: The Broken Ear / The Black Island / King Ottokar's Sceptre (3 Complete Adventures in 1 Volume, Vol. 2)
currentValue: $9.50
created: 137110032
country: us
author: Hergé
aspect: Hardcover
asin: 0316359424