The Story About Ping (8x 8)

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The tale of a little duck alone on the Yangtze River, The Story About Ping is a sweet and funny book with wonderfully rich and colorful illustrations. On a day like any other, Ping sets off from the boat he calls home with his comically large family in search of "pleasant things to eat." On this particular day, he is accidentally left behind when the boat leaves. Undaunted, the little duck heads out onto the Yangtze in search of his family, only to find new friends and adventures--and a bit of peril--around every bend. The exceptional illustrations bring the lush Yangtze to life, from Ping's family to the trained fishing birds he finds himself among to the faithfully rendered boats and fishermen. Certainly intended to be read aloud, The Story About Ping deserves a place on every young reader's (or listener's) shelf. (Picture book)

uuid: 03DE26FE-855A-4B08-81DB-26AE8CC4FF38
upc: 9780448421650
title: The Story About Ping (8x 8)
purchase date: 01-07-2005
publisher: Grosset & Dunlap
published: 01-08-2000
price: $3.99
pages: 32
net Rating: 4.5
last lookup time: 141956149.32954
fullTitle: The Story About Ping (8x 8)
currentValue: $2.39
created: 141956129.887839
country: us
author: Kurt Wiese Marjorie Flack
aspect: Paperback
asin: 0448421658