MySQL and mSQL

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MySQL and mSQL 0 provides the essentials to programming with these two popular Unix freeware database packages in C/C++, Perl, Python, and Java. The book begins with a fine introduction to databases that covers tables, fields, indexes, and normalization. Then it explains the history of the freeware mSQL and MySQL packages (which offer better performance than commercial relational database management system (RDBMS) packages, though they don't support transactions or other features). Next the authors look at SQL as used within MySQL and mSQL and clarify where to download these packages and how to install them. Examples of how to program with MySQL/mSQL in C/C++ follow. One of the best parts of this book is its introduction to using Common Gateway Interface (CGI) and Perl to power a Web site with a MySQL/mSQL database. This section offers complete information on using mSQL Perl (and the emerging Database Independent [DBI] standard) for developing CGI database scripts in Perl, and it includes clear examples (including a student database). The book then moves from Perl on to other programming languages--Python and Java. Reference material to all the relevant APIs is featured for each language. Whatever programming API you choose, MySQL and mSQL are ready to meet the needs of the small to moderate-size Web site. This book delivers essential information on these packages and will help both Web masters and programmers get the most out of these powerful freeware database tools. f0i --Richard Dragan 0

uuid: 24B385DF-DA43-4FB8-B316-CEB81D08E89A
upc: 0636920924340
title: MySQL and mSQL
purchase date: 01-07-2005
publisher: O'Reilly
published: 08-07-1999
price: $34.95
pages: 502
net Rating: 3
last lookup time: 141954971.083483
genre: Linux Oracle & Database Programming MySQL & mSQL
fullTitle: MySQL and mSQL
currentValue: $0.45
created: 141954969.230671
country: us
author: Randy Jay Yarger George Reese Tim King
aspect: Paperback
asin: 1565924347