Stranger in a Strange Land

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Stranger in a Strange Land 0 , winner of the 1962 Hugo Award, is the story of Valentine Michael Smith, born during, and the only survivor of, the first manned mission to Mars. Michael is raised by Martians, and he arrives on Earth as a true innocent: he has never seen a woman and has no knowledge of Earth's cultures or religions. But he brings turmoil with him, as he is the legal heir to an enormous financial empire, not to mention f0i de facto 0 owner of the planet Mars. With the irascible popular author Jubal Harshaw to protect him, Michael explores human morality and the meanings of love. He founds his own church, preaching free love and disseminating the psychic talents taught him by the Martians. Ultimately, he confronts the fate reserved for all messiahs. The impact of f0i Stranger in a Strange Land 0 was considerable, leading many children of the 60's to set up households based on Michael's water-brother nests. Heinlein loved to pontificate through the mouths of his characters, so modern readers must be willing to overlook the occasional sour note ("Nine times out of ten, if a girl gets raped, it's partly her fault."). That aside, f0i Stranger in a Strange Land 0 is one of the master's best entertainments, provocative as he always loved to be. Can you grok it? f0i --Brooks Peck 0

uuid: 39E84436-1849-4BB6-BBBF-D2CA65C125B9
upc: 9780441790340
title: Stranger in a Strange Land
purchase date: 01-07-2005
publisher: ACE Charter
published: 01-08-1995
price: $7.99
pages: 438
net Rating: 4
last lookup time: 141953415.169714
genre: Classics Paperback
fullTitle: Stranger in a Strange Land
currentValue: $1.25
created: 141953363.674674
country: us
author: Robert A. Heinlein
aspect: Mass Market Paperback
asin: 0441790348