WebMaster in a Nutshell

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This terrific reference book condenses the material of at least five huge volumes on Web site construction into a single small one. It doesn't teach how to develop and maintain a Web site, but it puts all the commands, syntax information, and related knowledge where you can find them quickly. Sections cover HTML, CGI, HTTI, JavaScript, and server configurations. Each section begins with a brief overview of the topic then follows with a series of well-organized lists, charts, and other reminders to help you rapidly find a little-used command or forgotten bit of information.

uuid: 7AF8B995-DAFC-47E4-9FFA-DAF4C485A029
upc: 9781565922297
title: WebMaster in a Nutshell
purchase date: 16-05-2005
publisher: O'Reilly
published: 01-10-1996
price: $19.95
pages: 374
net Rating: 4.5
last lookup time: 137984816
genre: Webmaster Email Internet Publishing HTML - General E-mail Nutshell Perl
fullTitle: WebMaster in a Nutshell
currentValue: $0.01
created: 137984800
country: us
author: Stephen Spainhour Valerie Quercia
aspect: Paperback
asin: 1565922298