24 Hours in Cyberspace: Photographed on One Day by 150 of the World's Leading Photojournalists

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The result of an unprecedented one-day event that brought together the world's top photographers, editors, programmers and interactive designers to create a digital time capsule of online life, f1b 24 Hours in Cyberspace f0b0 features 200 of the most compelling photographs culled from 200,000 images taken on February 8, 1996. The 150 photographers who participated focused their lenses on the human face of cyberspace - the new ways in which we work, play, learn, conduct business and interact. Their photographic assignments included some of the most intriguing stories from the online frontier. They covered students in South Africa's Nelson Mandella township who use donated PC's to communicate with the outside world; exiled Tibetans who rely on the Internet to preserve their culture and to enlist others to fight for their cause; Americans seeking to adopt Russian orphans online; and a father in San Jose, California who publishes Will's Page, an electronic journal of his four-year-old son's battle with leukemia. The book comes with a special Collector's Edition CD-ROM containing the entire f1b 24 Hours in Cyberspace f0b0 website, as well as footage of the "Nightline" segment featuring "The Making of f1b 24 Hours in Cyberspace f0b0 ." The CD-ROM also includes Netscape Navigator for Macintosh and Windows '95, plus 15 hours' free time on AOL and GNN.

uuid: 5264918C-2069-4813-A4CA-108AC77E66EA
upc: 9780789709257
title: 24 Hours in Cyberspace: Photographed on One Day by 150 of the World's Leading Photojournalists
purchase date: 16-05-2005
publisher: Que
published: 01-10-1996
price: $49.99
pages: 224
net Rating: 5
last lookup time: 137983936
genre: Collections, Catalogues & Exhibitions Photo Essays Culture
fullTitle: 24 Hours in Cyberspace: Photographed on One Day by 150 of the World's Leading Photojournalists
currentValue: $0.01
created: 137983936
country: us
author: Jennifer Erwitt Rick Smolan
aspect: Hardcover
asin: 0789709252