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An enchanting series of stories about the evolution of the universe. Calvino makes characters out of mathematical formulae and simple cellular structures. They disport themselves amongst galaxies, experience the solidification of planets, move from aquatic to terrestrial existence, play games with hydrogen atoms -- and have time for a love life.

uuid: 7547F3BB-E096-4EF4-B234-7888C91F4563
upc: 9780156226004
title: Cosmicomics
purchase date: 06-05-2005
publisher: Harvest/HBJ Book
published: 01-10-1976
price: $13.00
pages: 153
net Rating: 5
last lookup time: 137126080
genre: Comic Classics Italian
fullTitle: Cosmicomics
currentValue: $3.00
created: 137126064
country: us
author: Italo Calvino
aspect: Paperback
asin: 0156226006