Red Hat Linux (v 5.2) Unleashed

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The darling of the open-source movement, Linux offers up a tinkerer's dream: the ability to configure, manipulate, and (potentially) improve absolutely everything about the operating system. Red Hat Linux Unleashed recognizes the central desire of Linux adopters--control over just about everything (including the source code). The book devotes copious pages to step-by-step instructions to accompany the Red Hat installation CD-ROM. pardtx560tx1120tx1680tx2240tx2800tx3360tx3920tx4480tx5040tx5600tx6160tx6720sa240qlqnatural cf0 Red Hat Linux Unleashed explains some troubleshooting techniques, mostly by detailing prevention. The authors want readers to understand the processes underlying Linux in order to make intelligent decisions about system maintenance. A good portion of the book deals with network administration, including chapters on STMP & POP, FTP, and security issues. For those looking to host Web servers, the specifics of Apache, Domain Name Systems (DNS), Network Information Service (NIS) client/server database systems, and Network File System (NFS) software all receive ample coverage. While Red Hat Linux Unleashed does try to be all things to all people, the authors acknowledge the impossibility of this mandate. They sprinkle URLs throughout the book, encouraging readers to visit other locations for more in-depth coverage. A strong overall resource, Red Hat Linux Unleashed is a good place to start for Linux installation. --Jennifer Buckendorff

uuid: 03700BA2-FC10-4A04-A6AA-E197FFF3AA35
upc: 9780672314100
title: Red Hat Linux (v 5.2) Unleashed
purchase date: 06-05-2005
publisher: Sams Pub
published: 01-02-1998
price: $39.99
pages: 1020
net Rating: 3
last lookup time: 137113792
genre: Red Hat
fullTitle: Red Hat Linux (v 5.2) Unleashed
currentValue: $0.98
created: 137113792
country: us
author: David Pitts Bill Ball David Horvath
aspect: Paperback
asin: 067231410X