365 Days of Creative Play: For Children 2 Yrs. & Up

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Why are children so active? Because they want to learn! And here are 365 simple but stimulating activities for parents, grandparents and child care providers that can turn a child's need for action into chances for learning, by themselves, or with others in the family. Sometimes it's hard for adults to come up with the right activities: here is your cookbook! Recommended.

uuid: B1E8420A-7BC9-4C12-BDD1-976292DE97CE
upc: 0760789012952
title: 365 Days of Creative Play: For Children 2 Yrs. & Up
purchase date: 06-05-2005
publisher: Sourcebooks
published: 01-04-1995
price: $12.95
pages: 384
net Rating: 5
last lookup time: 137111408
genre: Grief & Bereavement Parenting Books
fullTitle: 365 Days of Creative Play: For Children 2 Yrs. & Up
currentValue: $2.03
created: 137111408
country: us
author: Sheila Ellison Gray Judith Judith Anne Gray Sheila Ellison
aspect: Paperback
asin: 1570710295