Corydon the Forgotten Battle of the Civil War: The Forgotten Battle of the Civil War

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uuid: 8B3BFC9F-1887-46E8-9157-6D8EB787372D
upc: 9780925165039
title: Corydon the Forgotten Battle of the Civil War: The Forgotten Battle of the Civil War
purchase date: 06-05-2005
publisher: FBH Publishing
published: 01-01-1991
price: $9.95
pages: 128
net Rating: 4
last lookup time: 137111216
fullTitle: Corydon the Forgotten Battle of the Civil War: The Forgotten Battle of the Civil War
currentValue: $2.40
created: 137111216
country: us
author: W. Fred Conway
aspect: Paperback
asin: 0925165034