This semester’s reading list

I mentioned last year some time that I’m in a reading group, reading books in the general category of Social Justice.

Last time around it was remarked that all of the books were either by DWM (Dead White Men) or at least from a very western perspective. This was not entirely true, but the resolution was made to choose books that were distinctly not from that perspective. So, here’s what we’re reading:

Pedagogy of the Oppressed, by Paulo Freire

Being Peace, by Thich Nhat Hanh

The Fifth Mountain, by Paulo Coelho

God of the Empty Handed, by Jayakumar Christian

We’re also reading something by Ngugi wa Thiong’o, but I’m not certain yet which one of his books, and they haven’t arrived yet.

We’ve already started reading Freire, and I found that it generated some quite strong feelings and reactions. But I’ll write about that another time. I really need to get going.