March 22, 2003

upside-down flag

This morning I drove past a house where the flag was flying upside down. While I assume that this is in protest against the war, I did a little research on the reason, if any, for flying the flag upside down under correct flag etiquette.

"The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property."

Now, having read thisI presume that this could be done for a number of reasons, and it is not clear, on the face of it, whether this is done as a protest against the actions of our nation, or in support of them. I guess this would largely depend on the age of the person occupying the house, and how old they were during WWII. But I could be way off base.

It is worthwhile, however, looking at the variety of web sites out there about flying the flag upside down, and the reasons given for it. Most of them are astonishingly shallow and narrow-minded, but a number of them are well thought out. I'll leave it ambiguous which ones I think are which, and likewise will leave my opinions on our military action ambiguous.

God bless our men and women at the front, and God bless America.

Posted by rbowen at March 22, 2003 05:44 PM | TrackBack

I've igree with you. In our country we will start to use as a symbol of protest against the dictatorial regime of Hugo CHAVEZ. You will see on July 24th

Good blees VENZUELA too !!!

Posted by: Cesar Vicente on July 21, 2003 07:27 PM

God bless the WORLD because he made it. and if youre singling out our troops and our country, I guess you dont care much about INNOCENT CIVILIANS, I guess God shouldnt care about them huh. Besides that, i agree with what you said. Although I keep a small American Flag hung upside down in my bedroom and will continue to do so until this country finally lives up to what the Constitution and Bill of Rights are there for. This country needs to realize this first wave of Fascsim, which has been mild for the past century,is coming in full force now with this administration. People are so used to our govt. literally committing fraud with our monetary system that they dont even consider it as such. there is just too many things to post about it. And please, dont confuse patriotism with nationalism.

Posted by: Andres L. on July 31, 2003 01:38 PM

I believe in peace and self government not a police state. Don't think we live in a police state? Read the USA PATRIOT ACT

Posted by: Peppy-RPGH on July 31, 2003 05:28 PM
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